Monday, March 21, 2011

The Kitchen Cacti

Well people, I won't say much in this post...I think I will just put the photo's here and see what the general consensus is on the two cacti in my kitchen.

Some people voice their opinion when they sit at the counter and sip coffee, some just shake their head and I've caught some people glance at the cacti, their eyebrow's usually have some sort of movement and then they look away.

I must say this though, these cacti did not look like this when I bought them! They chose their path in life and ran with it!

You decide...tell me, what do you think of my kitchen cacti? Click on the photo's to enlarge ...(don't be influenced by the look on the pig's face in the window)


  1. After the initial shock...I think the floppy one looks like a bunny coming out of a hat. And the other one, well the dirty part of my mind says it's an partially erect penis but then the kid part of my mind says it's an animal with a tail going headfirst into a hole! You did ask right? hahaha.

  2. I think you need to add some of those googly eyes from the craft store. They will then look alive. LOL.
    Not a cactus fan myself but if you added a nice aloe vera plant in behind them they would look more like a decorating plan than an afterthought. In gardening and plantings you should never have less than 3 in a group. Plus if you burn yourself you can snip off a piece of aloe vera and rub it on the burn.

  3. Artistic expression in any form is subjective. If it makes you happy, who cares? Name them and call them your pets. Like those pigs!

  4. whoa, you've got a double dirk diggler there!

  5. At least they are alive. I hold records for killing house plants. :)

  6. Personally Sharon I love them both and wish I had two just like them in my home. Like Linda said, it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks as long as you like them. Again I think they are great. Have a happy tuesday.
    Odie :-)

  7. I'm ashamed to say that I thought the same as Bouncin'Barb about the cactus in the first photo! :( I'm not really into cacti but as long as you love them, that's all that matters!
